Lydia Lab is a place for my ongoing exploration of how to fully integrate my faith into my everyday life and calling. Named in honor of Lydia of Thyatira (Acts 16:11-15) a successful businesswoman who converted to Christianity and provided hospitality and funding for the early apostles. 

My starting place is a simple LinkedIn newsletter to share resources that I find helpful as I seek to incorporate my faith more authentically and powerfully into my everyday life. I also share stories of women who inspire me as they integrate faith and calling into their decisions and leadership roles.

In this chapter of my career, I long to be that person for others. I want to serve God by providing resources, inspiration, and coaching to help women relax into their beloved identities and fulfill their professional potential. The world needs more successful female leaders grounded in a calling beyond themselves!

During my 30+ year career, there have been times when I sought God's voice and more times when I only focused on my ambitions and self-sufficiency. But through it all, God has been faithful in his love for me, bringing the right people at the right moment to draw me back and ever closer to him.